更新时间: 2014/12/24 10:11:17
所属类别: 其他 ->其它
所属地区: 江苏 ->苏州
供应数量: 50
姓名: 戚林
电话: 0512-56795269
◆产品结构 Product structure 本机主要是由清理室、室内输送辊道与进出输送辊道、抛丸器、弹丸循环系统 ( 含提升机、分离器、纵横螺旋输送器和供丸管道 ) 、吹扫机构、除尘、电气控制等功能部件组成。 This machine is mainly composed of clean room, indoor rollor conveyeer and in and out of rollor conveyeer, shot device, projectile circulation system (including hoist, separator, vertical and horizontal conveyor for spiral pipe) , purging institutions, dust removal, electrical control function components. ◆产品原理 Product principle 为连续送料的高功能连续作业清理机,在清理过程中由电气控制的可变频调速的输送辊道将钢结构件或钢材、钢板送进清理机室体内抛射区时,其周身各面受到来自八台不同坐标方位的抛丸器的强力密集弹丸的打击与磨擦,使其上的氧化锈层及污物迅速脱落,钢材表面就获得具有一定粗糙度的光洁表面。落入钢材上面的弹丸与锈尘经回收螺旋输送到弹丸循环系统,在清理室外两边辊道装卸工件。清理过程中,撒落下来的丸尘混合物经室体漏斗、纵横向螺旋输送机汇集于提升机下部,再提升到机器上部的分离器里,分离后的纯净弹丸落入分离器料斗中,供抛丸循环使用。抛丸清理中产生尘埃,由抽风管送向除尘系统,净化处理后的净气排放到大气中;颗粒状尘埃,由抽风管送向除尘系统,净化处理后的净气排放到大气中,颗粒状尘埃被捕捉收集。 Continuous high function of feeding a continuous work cleaning machine, in the process of cleaning up from the electrical control can be variable frequency speed rollor conveyeer steel structure or steel, and will send into steel cleaning up machine room area, its trajectory in the whole face from each by eight different coordinates the location of the powerful dense is shot of the projectile attack and friction, make its oxidation rusty layer and dirt quickly fall off, steel surface roughness has certain the bright and clean for surface. Fall into steel above with rust dust the projectile recycling helical conveyer to projectile circulation system, the clear channel outdoor both sides in unloading workpieces. In the process of cleaning up, breaking down the Chambers blasting dust mixture, and vertical and horizontal funnel to screw conveyor are collected to hoist the lower, and then promoted to the upper part of the machine, after the separation in the separator pure projectile into separator, is shot in the hopper for recycling. Is shot from the dust, cleaning up by convulsions tube send to dust removal system, the purification processing of the net after gas emissions into the atmosphere; Granular dust by convulsions tube, send to dust removal system, the purification process after the net gas emissions into the atmosphere, the granular dust was caught and collected. H型钢/钢板抛丸清理机 ◆ 产品特点 Product features 钢板抛丸机是一种清理 H 钢、型钢、网架、钢板的多功能钢材抛丸预处理设备。抛丸器布置形式为多角度,选用了先进的高效抛丸器,抛射出高速密集的弹丸束,打击在原始状态工件的各个部位进行立体的、全方位的清理,使工件各表面上的锈蚀层、焊渣、氧化皮及其它污物迅速脱落,获得具有一定粗糙度的光洁表面,提高了漆膜与钢材表面的附着力,并提高工件的抗疲劳和抗腐蚀能力,改善了工件内在质量,延长其使用寿命。 Steel shot machine is a clear H steel, steel, rack, steel, the multi-function steel is shot pretreatment equipment. Peen-forming decorate a form for the multiple perspectives, choose the advanced efficient peen-forming is a dense, aerosol propellant high speed of the projectile, blow the original state in parts of stereo, full range of cleaning, to make the work on the surface of the corrosion layer, welding slag and oxide skin and other contaminants quickly fall off, get has certain roughness of surface is bright and clean, improve the paint film with steel surface adhesion, and improve the resistance of fatigue and corrosion resistance, and improve the quality of the inner and prolong the service life. ◆ 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 机器型号 Model 单位 Unit Q698 Q6915 Q6920 有效清理宽度 Width mm 1200 1500 2000 室体进料口尺寸 Dimension mm 1200×400 1200×400 2000×400 清理工件长度 Length mm 1200-6000 1200-12000 1200-12000 辊道输送速度 Speed(无极调速) m/min 0.5-4 0.5-5 0.5-4 清理钢板厚度 Thickness mm 3-60 1.5-60 3-60 处理型材规格 Specifications ≤20#<≤16# ≤20#<≤16# ≤20#<≤16# 抛丸量 Shot peening quantity kg/min 4×250 4×250 6×250 首次装入量 First input volume kg 3000 4000 4500 滚刷(刮板)调整宽度 Width mm 200 350 450 通风量 Air volume m3/h 17560 19000 19550 外形尺寸 Shape dimension mm 12180×4250×7095 15200×5370×6797 30650×6850×7500 地面以下深度 Depth under the ground mm 1616 2257 2800 总功率(不含除尘)Total power kw 78.3 113.5 156.6 机器总重 Total weight t 20.4 33 41 机器型号 Model 单位 Unit Q6925 Q6930 Q6940 有效清理宽度 Width mm 2500 3000 4000 室体进料口尺寸 Dimension mm 2500×800 3000×800 4000×400 清理工件长度 Length mm 3000-12000 2400-12000 4500-18000 辊道输送速度 Speed(无极调速) m/min 0.5-4.5 0.5-4 2月8日 清理钢板厚度 Thickness mm 3-60 3-110 4.5-100 处理型材规格 Specifications 60×8-300×1000  60×8-300×1000 60×8-300×1000 抛丸量 Shot peening quantity kg/min 6×250 6×360 8×360 首次装入量 First input volume kg 4500 8000 11000 滚刷(刮板)调整宽度 Width mm 600 850 900 通风量 Air volume m3/h 27758 28050 38000 外形尺寸 Shape dimension mm 31200×8070×7758 44042×6385×11117 45000×7830×11400 地面以下深度 Depth under the ground mm 2353 2800 4317 总功率(不含除尘)Total power kw 224.55 204.5 293.6 机器总重 Total weight t 53.2 71.8 75
国内统一连续出版物号:61-1133/TG |国内发行代码:52-94 |国际标准出版物号:1001-3814 |国际发行代码:SM8143
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